Day 11 – Tumbleweeds
Day 11 – I’ve decided to combine my running with my documentarian side. For those who didn’t know, I used to be a filmmaker back in the day. Nothing of which I’m confident you’ve seen. But I can assure you, no animals or children were harmed in the process (according to IMDB). Hypersensitive to social distancing, I find running on rainy days to be the most appropriate. Less people out and amateur runners stay home.
I’ve not experienced an urban run as exhilarating and strange as this. I could run on the roads and paths unfettered by throngs of thousands blocking my way. It felt like I was running in a museum. The city embalmed in a state of suspended animation. A city on pause. But it allowed me to soak in and observe things that I never appreciated or looked past the front of my nose before. There is a surreal beauty to NYC without the key ingredient of people. Noise. Bustle. Action.
While it’s not quite yet ripped from the “I am Legend” movie, I was not expecting to be marauded by zombies, it did feel different in other ways. For one, the sounds of silence. With no cars and no people, the sound that struck me most was my feet striking the path, my breathing and the sound of birds. I stopped numerous times to listen to that sound of silence. I can stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and not get mowed down by speeding cabs. That felt bold. Forbidden. Naughty almost.
Times square, a kaleidoscope of flashing color and advertising, struck bare by the absence of tourists and citizens alike. It’s a jarring juxtaposition. It was hard to absorb. It didn’t feel right. The majestic Grand Central, hub to the burbs and states, barren and beautiful in its emptiness. A smattering of unfortunate souls with nowhere else to go, loitered in corners.
I’m not sure how often I’ll actually get outside. The fluidity of the day to day here is constant. But I’ll try my best to add some new post later this week. In the meantime, let me know if you like my pictures. I have hi resolution versions if you deem them printworthy ;-). Until then, stay safe, wash your hands, #flattenthecurve. Mark