Grand Openings and New Beginnings
July 1st sees the full re-opening of New York. For those of us who live here, it already feels like a new beginning. Almost everything is open. The only thing I can’t do is work in my office. I joined my company during the pandemic, so I’ve never actually met any of my new colleagues in person. But at this point, I’m “zoomed” out, so I’d relish a few optional days in the office later this year. An additional bonus includes finally discarding my mask since, per the CDC’s guidance, I’m fully vaccinated. Which couldn’t have come sooner. Because of the masks, I developed an unusual condition that felt like spiders crawling on my face. Which made me dread having to wear them. Certain types of masks were worse than others. So now the night itching has subsided and my face is gettin’ a break. (Note: we still have to wear mask on subway, olanes, indoors in public areas for now).
The funnest thing I got to do this week was visit the just opened Little Island. A manmade park, years in the making, developed over the Hudson River near 14th street. I made it part of my father/son bonding day. I run the six miles, he cycles on his stabilized miniature bike (he’s only 6) and whips my arse. Works perfectly. We are trying t tick off a bunch of “touristy” things to do before the city gets flooded with tourists again. Which is already starting to happen.
Check this little quick video of what it’s like. We were one of the first to visit. Music by Band of Horses.