A Pandemic Christmas
Fearing there wouldn't be any trees this year, I went and bought a fake one. The day it arrived, the Canadians set up shop down the block with their real trees.
Home Schooling – Part II. Lessons learned.
13 things I learned from homeschooling....six hours of cartoons does not make a three year old cross eyed.
Lines, Q’s & Coups
There were lines for everything, likely instilling a saintly patience in the Russian psyche. Not so for the rest of us.
Banana Republic
Admittedly, I haven’t spent much time, if any, in a banana republic, but what I witnessed in NYC today feels like I’m in a banana republic. A very big one at that. A day before the general election, Manhattan, once again, is boarding up all its stores in anticipation of riots and protests a day before we go to the polls. A country rife with voter suppression, voter intimidation, a President undermining faith in the election, openly saying if he doesn’t win, it will be because of fraud. Hardly feels stable. I voted early. I’m lucky, I only stood in line for 2 hours or so. I know others who…
Making Traditions seem “Traditional” in a Pandemic
...making yearly traditions seem somewhat normal during a pandemic.
Punk’d to Action
Democracies were borne of bloodshed & strive. Lives risked in the pursuit of peace, justice and democratic power. But rather than shed blood, I will go and vote in person despite the raging COVID-19 virus ravaging this country.
Alternative Reality
When I started writing this blog, back when New York shut down in March, I and indeed everyone else, were dealing with the great unknown. There’s a virus and it may kill us all. My personal stories like this drove home that theory. People I knew were dying. And in the grimness of that reality, I felt two things. The need to find hope, even in the smallest of things like running. And a compelling need to document what we were experiencing for my kids, future generations and historians. I hate the fact that the issues that have recently beset the Upper West Side, where I live, have been co-opted…
Ice Cream – You Scream – NYC’s Rising Food Prices
With ice cream cones at $7...how much more will the consumer have to suffer inflated costs under the guise of COVID? And what impacts will that have on overall spending, particularly amongst discretionary items?
Perspective is Everything
"Imagine you were born in 1900.When you're 14, World War I begins and ends when you're 18 with 22 million dead.Soon after a global pandemic, the Spanish Flu, appears, killing 50 million people. And you're alive and 20 years old..."
The Times are a Changin’
"..here's a picture I took today of a man menacingly brandishing a hammer in the middle of Broadway on 79th street.....What started as a story about rightfully concerned parents worried about their family's safety has turned into a race / white privilege issue."