Lessons Learned While the City’s our Oyster
The kids, wide eyed, marveled at all the flashing neon, while not understanding the significance of it being empty. To them, they were the first kids on the moon. They wandered around empty Soho & Tribeca streets, kicking a ball like street urchins from Newsies.
The Show Must Go On
I have many friends who make their living as actors, musicians, writers and indeed the entire support eco-system that goes into producing great works of art....they will see better days ahead, for all things must end and the phoenix will arise from the flames.
In stillness, there is life: Running through a COVID-quieted New York City
With the world now on pause, COVID’s timeout has given me a beautiful running experience I thought I’d never have. The world may have been on hold, but that didn’t mean I needed to be.
The Un-United States
"...what stuck me even more was the dense air of menace that permeated the air. The heavy police presence and the odd gaggle of loitering people. Just waiting. For the sun to go down."
Downtown Then & Now. And hopefully “then” again.
I was afforded the opportunity to see the city in ways most have never seen. My runs and cycles allowed me the chance to film the city asleep. The absence of people and traffic, replaced by singing birds and occasional bicycle bells as they whizzed by, made it easier to traverse.
A Tombstone to the Past
I decided to film some of my runs to visually document what I was seeing. For like all things, this must end and when it does I hope it's a document to how things were during this extraordinary time. We can look back, nod and say bravely we survived this.
Haunting NYC Run – part 1
I'm left running the abandoned streets of America's greatest city, witnessing eerie desolation and haunting beauty.
Facemasks & New Beginnings
I’m doing a short post this week. It may be short, but it’s oh so sweet. (I’m working on a larger piece for the coming weeks). On the day the US Dept. of Labor announced another 3 million filed for unemployment (bringing the overall US total now to 30 million out of work), I started my new job. And have a terrific boss. It was a relief to have some good news in the midst of legitimate gloom and doom. And if it’s any indication of brighter things to come, I unbelievably had a second offer and another on the way. Onboarding a new job remotely has been a hoot…
Cabin fever – a time for reflection or a descent into madness? Day 31
Gandhi’s famous quote “freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes”. Never has that quote seemed so subverted as it is now.
Good Friday – Bad Week. Day 24
It’s hard to celebrate Easter weekend while every day blends into the next. COVID put a personal face to the pandemic this week. Given the extraordinarily high infection rate in NY, it was inevitable. I know five people who are currently fighting this and two who have recovered. Viewed in the abstract, an inconvenience to your everyday life. It’s there, but over there. Not me. Then the dreaded news comes to you. My cousin’s husband Patrick, passed away Wednesday, after a little over a week on a ventilator. It started with a wheeze and went rapidly downhill from there. When I heard he was in the hospital, I thought about…